We work closely with the legislature to create and find sponsorship for bills that support and promote the family and traditional values. The following are bills we are currently involved with as well as bills we have sponsored in the past. To read the bill, please click on the bill number.
Current Legislation: 2021-2022
HB 4268
Legislation to prohibit the governmental shutdown of churches during a pandemic. MFF Supports
HB 4054
Legislation to extend benefits to spouses of disabled and deceased veterans. MFF Supports
HB 4226-29
Legislation to prohibit minors from getting married. MFF Opposes as written but Supports if amended.
HB 4159-60
Legislation to protect vulnerable adults from distributing sexually explicit material of themselves. MFF Supports
SB 218
Legislation to limit high school female athletes to girl’s teams and male athletes to boy’s teams. MFF Supports
HB 4189
Legislation to provide funding to pregnancy care centers. MFF Supports
HB 4190
Legislation to require prosecutors count a fetus as a victim in criminal sentencing guidelines. MFF Supports
Past Legislation: 2019-2020
HB 5443-44
Legislation to create a Kinship Care program to support family members as foster parents. MFF Supports
HCR 14
A resolution declaring pornography as a public health crisis. MFF Supports
HB 5607-08
Legislation to prohibit sexting among minors. MFF Supports
HB 4126-27
Legislation to require warning to pregnant women on all marijuana products: MFF supports
SB 393, HB 4914
Allow pregnant mothers to count unborn child as dependent on Michigan Income Tax filing: MFF supports
HB 4003-05
Raise age of consent for marriage: MFF supports with amendments
SB 272-274, HB 4469-71
Repeals religious liberty protections for adoption and foster care agencies: MFF opposes
SB 284, HB 4515
Prohibits “conversion therapy” for minors: MFF opposes
SB 275, HB 4472
Permit unmarried, second parent adoption: MFF opposes
HB 4523-24
Baby “Drop-Box”: MFF supports
SB 229-30, HB 4320-21
Dismemberment abortion ban: MFF supports
SB 165
Ban abortions for pain-capable babies (20 weeks or more): MFF supports
HB 4322
End funding of abortion providers for non-abortion procedures: MFF supports
Require reporting of abortion complications: MFF supports
SB 50-53, HB 4113-16
Repeal Michigan’s abortion ban: MFF opposes
SB 228
Create commission on suicide: MFF supports
HB 4262
Allow parents of homeschool students to sign work permit: MFF supports
HB 4406
Fostering Futures Scholarship: MFF supports
HB 4311-12
Internet Gaming Act: MFF opposes
HB 4076
Prohibits coercing vulnerable adults from providing sexually explicit material: MFF supports
Past Sessions: 2017-18
HB 4522 Rep. Mary Whiteford
Legislation to issue a certificate of stillbirth to parents who have a stillborn child and to permit them to count the child as a dependent on their tax filing for the year of the stillbirth. MFF supports
SB 752 Senator Wayne Schmidt
Legislation to eliminate the marriage penalty to public assistance recipients by allowing individuals to retain their FIP assistance after marriage, for up to 18 months, even if their new spouse is employed as long as the combined household income does not exceed 275% of the federal poverty level. MFF supports
SB 527 Senator Tom Casperson
Legislation to protect a foster parent’s right to carry arms or to keep them readily accessible if they are legally allowed to do so. MFF supports
HB 4311 Rep. Hank Vaupel
Legislation to provide anonymous information on birth certificates for newborns surrendered under “Safe Delivery” law. MFF Supports
SB 184 Sen. Gregory
Legislation to provide tax credit for modifications of home to make handicap accessible for elderly or disabled. MFF Supports
HB 4331 Rep. Jeff Noble
Legislation to protect clergy from solemnizing marriages against their conscience. MFF Supports with Amendments
SB 350 Sen. Patrick Colbeck
Legislation to require universities to protect free speech rights and impose penalties on violators. MFF Supports
HB 4691 Rep. Jim Runestad
Legislation to require a presumption of joint physical custody in child custody disputes with some exceptions. MFF Supports
HB 4735 Rep. Aaron Miller
Legislation to allow students to dual enroll in post-secondary education programs in other states as long as they are within 20 miles of the state border. MFF Supports
HB 4926 Rep. Brandt Iden
Legislation to permit and regulate online gaming. MFF Opposes
HB 4805 Rep. John Reilly
Legislation to exempt homeschool students who are enrolled part-time in a public school from being required to submit an Educational Development Plan (EDP) to that public school. MFF Supports